The best teachers. For the best results.

And, we can help. Our team of teachers are experts, and we’re ready to help your child now. Keep reading to find out more about what we’re about
K-8 Focus
At Think City, we focus on our youngest learners in elementary through middle school. These are the students who have received extra help—sometimes for years—but who still struggle. We know these kids—they avoid reading, math homework usually has tears, and spelling is arduous. No SAT prep or foreign languages. We focus on one thing, and we do it well: helping our young students find success in reading, writing, and math.
The Best Teachers
Teachers matter, and they matter a lot. We know that the best recipe for success is intensive support from an expert teacher. This is why we hire only the best teachers. Teachers who have taught for years, teachers who have specific training in teaching struggling students, and teachers who are passionate. Why? Because when you have the best teachers, you get the best results.
In-Person & Online
Let’s be honest, in-person tutoring is best. There’s no substitute to a teacher and student working together face-to-face. And, with COVID-19, we’re taking precautions to make in-person tutoring safe for everyone. But, we also know the reality that some of our families are high risk. So, for those who are more comfortable with online meetings, this is also an option.
Progress Checks
Parents should know about their student’s progress, and in a way that’s easy to understand. So, time will be set aside every month to discuss progress, what’s working, and any tweaks that need to be made.
Giving Back
At Think City, we believe in giving back. So, we team up with local schools to provide no-cost tutoring services to a handful of their students.
Mindset & Motivation
When kids love reading, when they find math engaging and fun, then they make better progress. And, when they understand that hard work and failure lead to growth, they take more risks. So, we address mindset & motivation because it’s just plain good teaching and because it leads to better results.
With so many choices out there, how do you know what’s best for your child? Our guide compares programs, what to look for, shy away from, and why.
2 sessions/month- For students close to or on grade level
- Support to ensure your student keeps making good progress
- Includes monthly assessments to know if your student is on-track
1 session/week- For students who are below grade level
- Support for your child to gain confidence and catch up with peers
- Includes monthly assessments to know if your student is on-track
2 sessions/week- For students well below grade level
- Intense support for your child to taste success and start catching up with peers
- Includes monthly assessments to ensure good progress and inform next steps
We’re sorry, but we’re temporarily closed and no longer accepting new students. Hopefully we’ll be able to re-open in the near future.